Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

I have long admired the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and even kept bantams years ago but always wanted full sized birds. So when I saw an opportunity I took it. We started with a trio, then bought some hatching eggs where we got another trio and acquired two more hens and two more roosters unrelated. So I have reduced to just two roosters total (Fowler and Max). Max came from the eggs. The six hens we have are all combined but from multiple sources. I combined them to save on space and pens.
I will likely sell hatching eggs and/or chicks in 2019 once I have some for my own program first. I am starting with Fowler and will change to Max once I have chicks from Fowler. Contact me at sweetgumminifarm@yahoo.com if you are interested.
The photos currently posted are from our first trio. I will try to get updated photos of all the birds soon.