Earknot Acres MP Jacob's Ladder
3-17-17 twin
F3 American (63.67L/36.33ND)
MDGA Registered & TMGR Pending
Sire: Earknot Acres Mon Pe're (F2)
SS: SGM Mooshine Poseidon (F2)
SD: Irish Whisper HP Mon Amie (F1)
Dam: Ear Knot Acres Lil' Flower (F2)
DS: Indigo Kids Sullivan (F1)
DD: Ear Knot Acres Doriana (F1)

This handsome boy is Jacob. I am thrilled to bring a Flower descendant into our herd. She has such a beautiful udder and has been one I have admired for a while. I'm so pleased to have a son of hers to use in our breeding program! Jacob's sire Mo Pe're is stunning. Just take a look at him below. He has such a presence about him and is striking! Jacob's sire is also out of a buck we bred back in 2012 and we own his littermate sister SGM Mooshine Elise. Click her name to see her page. This is an exciting buck to have in our herd and we are anxious to see his first kids in 2018!